Apr 10, 2010

Da Da DAY FIVE......

Yay....we did it, we did it, We did it!!!!
I've been watching way too much "Dora the Explorer"
with Halle bug that is....she loves it.
(Mr C. hates it by the way), but we make him watch!

So...Finally the day we all have been waiting for, we woke up in Baton Rough.
we went to the hotel lobby for breakfast (wasn't good) But Mr. C got a coffee and we met a lady that had such a thick southern accent that i had no idea what the crap she was saying (I just kept smiling and nodding my head), she was talking about Halle (I think)...

We could hardly wait to not have to drive long hours , I was eager to see my new house.
We drove over the MISSISSIPPI.
It got warm.


We Arrived.
We are home.
A new Home.
A Temporary Home.
If the Carry Underwood song just popped into your head "Temporary Home" yes I sing that song to myself all the time, I believe it was made for me and my life right now!
Mr. C caught on to why I love that song....we laughed!!

Its humid, its hot in spring, there are alot of trees here, everything has bloomed, we are 2 hours away from the beach, there is a "Waffle house" down the street, they have snow shacks all year long.

Its like saying my favorite color is "pink" but Purple will do for now, I will soak in all the different and new things we get to see while we are on this Temporary Journey, but I will be super excited to go back to my Favorite Color........Utah!

Yesterday I changed our flight , Halle and I will see you next Friday April 16Th..



1 comment:

  1. i'm jealous of your year round snow cones.
    but so glad you are coming home to visit.
    i am sure your mommy is dying without you.


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