May 25, 2010

My Goodness.........


I've been lazy....well and busy, busy with getting used to being home, more responsibility, humidity oh humidity, cleaning my house with the exception of no vacuum (I'll explain later),

fighting a sickness that still to this day I sound like Kermit the frog, wiping a little girls nose till its bloody and raw because it won't EVER stop running, giving this crap of a sickness to my husband who ask me everyday why I brought that home with me?

We are going back home again June 6Th......

this visit was not planned, Mr C. has some Military business for 2 weeks in Georgia, so Why on earth would we not come to visit.......right?

I am still holding my breath to fly with this Wonderful little girl not knowing what the next flight might bring us, but still I will be way too prepared with all the books, stuffed animals and snacks her little heart can handle, while she resumes kicking the nice gentlemen who sits beside us while he sleeps, and when he wakes apologizing for her jabs, him preceding to say he has a little girl and it didn't bother laughing to myself knowing that REALLY no one wants to be kicked and jabbed for 3 hours by tiny little feet, her smiling and waving to every being that looks her way, I'm sure she thinks these people are here to amuse her, still laughing to myself thinking at least she is not crying her ever living guts out because she has to sit on my lap for 3 hours..!


As said I am still ALIVE!!!

(Mothers Day)
I had a good Mothers Day,

even though spent miles away from my Hubby, I still had this Amazing little chikidy who made me a mommy by my side all day, Thank you sweet girl for letting me be your mommy, Thank you Mom for making me into the woman I am today!

My Friend Michelle's wedding turned out Beautiful, she was the amazing bride I expected her to be, good luck and a happy marriage to them!

Did I mention the Humidity?

well let me tell you about how when you walk outside it slaps you right in the face.

I wanted to get my little a wagon for her birthday in July but I was thinking WOW that means I have to take her and myself out into this forsaken sauna everyday, thinking why did I blow dry my hair? Lately we stay in alot, with the central air, but once she experience's Utah warm outside weather how could I possibly re frame her from being an outside bunny when we are here....SRLSY....guess If your here visiting Alabama anytime soon, that's no wet DOG that's just me sweating every bead of liquid that my body is made of!

I know just deal with it right? It could be snowing here huh!!!! h ah ha ha ha

HalleWood started walking BEHIND her push stroller, standing on her own, walking down the couch, trying to reach everything in high places as her tip toes will let her.

This little Girl makes me laugh daily. Here are some of the

little things she does that make me grin: her

obsession with little stuffed animals that she has to hold a certain way, the way she lets me kiss her, shakes her head at all the right times, puts her teeth marks in the wood of her crib, loves to take baths, trying to bite her doggy, eats everything I set on her tray, laughs out loud when playing by herself, shakes her crib in the morning to let us know she is awake,

crosses her feet when she sits on the floor, always crawling with a toy in hand....

I couldn't even tell you how much I love this girl... but I will continue loving every minute.

Tomorrow we will take the long 2 hour drive to Montgomery, that is where the air port is, no we are not traveling, we are getting My vacuum, My ORECK , that I love, that needed to be serviced and that would be the closet Oreck store to us in Alabama.

Your thinking why don't you just get it when you go June 6Th right?

Now your thinking I just can't wait that long right?

NOPE....thought about it BUT :

June 6Th is a SUNDAY.

My flight leaves at 5:30 AM.


Were going to the Montgomery ZOO.

you can't take a child 4 hours with no fun involved....

The Vacuum just doesn't make her day like it does mine! =)

I'll let you know how it goes...

Till then...


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